3 B2B Tech Marketing Trends You Can Actually Use Today

Linda A. Fanaras
4 min readMar 27, 2024

Getting B2B marketing right is challenging as it is. With new trends and changes in consumer behavior coming up every minute, staying ahead of the curve is even more challenging.

As the latest technological advancements continue to hit the market at unprecedented rates, businesses need to keep pace with these innovations and adapt their strategies accordingly. Looking at the abundance of new tech in the market, it can be overwhelming trying to decide what should be implemented and what works best for your business.

Here are three actionable B2B tech marketing trends for 2024 that you can actually use today to start driving growth and engagement.

1. Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Account-based marketing (ABM) has been gaining momentum in recent years, with the global ABM market expected to reach $1.6 billion by 2027, and for a good reason. Unlike traditional marketing approaches that tend to be more broad and cater to a wider audience, ABM focuses on targeting specific high-value accounts with personalized experiences. Rather than quantity, ABM looks at the quality of leads.

ABM involves a multi-channel approach, but one of the key aspects is delivering highly relevant marketing content and messaging to decision-makers in the target companies. This personalization is achieved by leveraging data and analytics, where marketers can gain insights into the needs and pain points of individual accounts. This understanding allows them to tailor their messaging and offerings accordingly, enhancing the client experience.

As we move into 2024, ABM will continue to be a powerful strategy for B2B marketers looking to drive engagement, with 47% of B2B marketers using ABM to boost return on investment (ROI).

How can you start leveraging ABM today?

  • Identify High-Value Accounts: The first step of ABM is always identification; who are your high-value accounts? You can make use of data analysis and segmentation to identify accounts that align with your ideal customer profile and have the potential for high lifetime value.
  • Personalize Content: The next step is to develop personalized content and messaging that is directly aimed at the specific challenges of each target account. This doesn’t have to just be content marketing, it can also include personalized case studies and targeted advertising campaigns.
  • Measure and Optimize Performance: Lastly, as with any marketing campaign, tracking metrics is key to determining if your campaign is working. ABM doesn’t necessarily look at increasing clicks and impressions, like other traditional marketing campaigns. You can look at metrics such as open rates, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value (CLV) to measure the effectiveness of your ABM campaigns and optimize your strategies.

2. Micro-Influencers

With the rapid growth of social media, influencer marketing has always been a popular strategy in B2C marketing. However, as B2B marketing continues to evolve, B2B influencer marketing is gaining traction as well.

When people think about influencer marketing, macro-influencers usually come to mind. These macro-influencers may have larger followings, but micro-influencers — individuals with smaller but highly engaged audiences — can offer unique advantages for B2B brands.

Micro-influencers, with their more engaged follower base, are often seen as more authentic and relatable, which can result in higher levels of trust and engagement. Furthermore, they may also have a more niche following, allowing B2B brands to reach niche audiences that may be more difficult to target through traditional marketing channels.

Here are a few tips to start engaging in micro-influencer marketing:

  • Develop Authentic Partnerships: As with any partnership, brands need to make sure that the influencers are suitable for their brand and campaign. A good way to go about it is to approach micro-influencers with a genuine interest in their content and a clear value proposition for collaboration.
  • Co-create Content: There can always be the worry that content created by partners can sound ingenuine or disconnected from the rest of your brand content. You can collaborate with micro-influencers to co-create content that not only resonates but also aligns with your brand voice.

3. Data Privacy and Transparency

With increasing technological advancements also come increasing concerns about cybersecurity, data privacy, and security breaches. While data analytics has been key to understanding consumers, consumers themselves are growing more concerned about data privacy, with 67% of smartphone users worrying about data security and privacy on their phones.

In order to gain trust, B2B brands need to prioritize transparency and compliance in their marketing efforts. Building trust with customers and prospects can look like committing to protecting their data and being transparent about how it’s used. Here are some best practices to build trust with your audience:

  • Obtain Explicit Consent: Rather than an opt-out process, having an opt-in process can help gain the trust of your target audience. This means obtaining explicit consent from individuals before collecting their personal data and giving them the option to opt out of data collection at any time.
  • Secure Data Handling Practices: Cybersecurity is important not just for tech companies, but for any businesses that handle any sort of data. Even marketing companies need to implement some data security measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or misuse.

As we look ahead to 2024, marketers need to adapt to changing trends and consumer preferences to remain competitive in the B2B space. With technological advancements moving a mile a minute, having these three trends that you can start implementing today can be key to achieving your marketing objectives.

To learn more about any of these strategies or B2B tech marketing trends in general, reach out to us today. Here at Millenium Agency, we specialize in market research, brand strategy, creative design, website development, and digital marketing. As a nationally recognized, top woman-led B2B branding and digital marketing firm, we know how to create value that drives buying decisions and gives you a competitive edge.

Schedule a meeting to learn more.

Originally published at https://mill.agency on March 27, 2024.



Linda A. Fanaras

CEO/Strategist ➤ Brand Expert ➤ Messaging Certified ➤ Strategist ➤Top Women Led NH Business ➤ Award Winning ➤ WBE & WOSB #brandbuilder #followme